Just about everyone in the gym wants shapely and muscular shoulders. They help give your upper body that much desired V-taper, and they’re functional for sports. Unfortunately, shoulder injuries are the most common types of injuries in the gym. In this post I’ll go over how to develop your shoulders...
What We Can Learn from CrossFit
Whether you’re a fan of CrossFit or a critic, it’s hard to argue that it hasn’t revolutionized the world of fitness. While CrossFit has its share of drawbacks such as high rates of injury, lack of personalization, and cost of coaching, survivors of the program have gotten excellent results. In...
Should You Have a Workout Partner?
Should you work out alone or with a buddy? Like most workout questions, the long answer is “it depends”, but for most people working out with a buddy is ideal. The right workout partner can make a huge difference in your gains and overall experience in the gym. In this...
8 Things I Wish I Knew when I Started Lifting
Spare yourself some pain and frustration with these eight tips I wish I knew when I started... You can’t out train a bad diet. As the saying goes, you are what you eat. If you overeat junk food, you’ll look like junk and perform like junk no matter how hard you...
How Building Muscle is like Tanning
I see a lot of mistakes made in the gym that could be avoided if only people understood the basic principles of building muscle. The process of growing muscles is actually very similar to tanning, and since many people have gotten a tan before, comparing the two can help “make...