There are tons of articles, blog posts, and youtube vids about squatting and deadlifting, but what about the poor leg press? Granted, the leg press is a much simpler movement, but you can still screw it up and hurt yourself if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you know...
Gym Etiquette Tips
Proper gym etiquette basically amounts to being considerate and not annoying others in the gym. Most rules of etiquette are common sense, but some are specific to the gym environment and not so obvious, especially to those new to working out. I'm sure no one wants to offend or annoy...
5 Ways to Stick to Your Workouts Over the Holidays
Sometimes we find ourselves slacking off our exercise routines during the holidays, either due to cold weather, time spent with relatives, general laziness, or the dreaded carb coma. If you're not careful, you could find yourself gaining 10-15 pounds and losing much of the fitness you've worked so hard for....
Interview with Bodybuilders Bubba Wise and Erick Hargrove
Jerry “Bubba” Wise and Erick Hargrove, who both recently competed in their first bodybuilding show, are two of our most dedicated members here at Spring Hill Fitness. It’s not uncommon to find them in the gym 6 days a week, working out for 2+ hours at a time. For those...
Girl, Please! You Pay What for What?
I was thinking today, as a powerlifter in my offseason, training Olympic lifts, how truly lucky we are at our gym. With all these pop-up specialty boxes, I’m reminded that I don’t want to fit inside a box or pay a specialty box price! I want to belong to a...